

Conflict Management & Communication Skills


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Come learn about different conflict management styles, strategies to improve communication, and how to maintain strong relationships during conflict.

Optimal conflict management includes the ability to address disagreements and tensions early, directly, and with dignity, professionalism, and respect. Unfortunately workplace conflict too often saps morale, diverts energy, and causes staff to look for other employment. Even worse, it prevents organizations from harnessing different opinions and ideas that are critical to effective problem-solving, workplace improvements, and organizational growth. Many have been disappointed that remote work and virtual environments have not magically eliminated workplace conflict. After a tense interaction, staff often dread seeing each other and begin practicing avoidance. There is a better way.

During this training, participants will learn, observe, and discuss:
  • Conflict management styles 
  • Upholding values to treat coworkers and clients with kindness, dignity, and respect 
  • How to maintain strong working relationships during conflict and difficult conversations 
  • Strategies to improve communication during difficult conversations 
  • Role modeling how to handle difficult situations with coworkers 

Events Details

This event will have AI captions via Zoom’s transcription function. Please note that these captions are automatically generated by the computer software and may not always accurately transcribe what is said. If you need professional captioning, or have another accessibility accommodation, please email MCN’s program assistant with your request at least two weeks prior to the start of the event. Although we will attempt to meet all accessibility requests, late request may not be fulfilled.

This event is done in partnership with the the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits, Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement (DANA), Kansas Nonprofit Centre, the Kentucky Nonprofit Network, Maine Association of Nonprofits (MANP), and the West Virginia Nonprofit Association (WVNP). Members of these state associations can register at the MCN member rate with instructions provided by their respective state associates. Visit the Events and Registration FAQ page or contact MCN's help desk for questions about registering.

Speaker Information

BSchueller HeadshotOwner and principal consultant Rebecca (Becky) Schueller has three decades of experience working with national, urban and rural nonprofits, community groups, tribal organizations and small businesses. In addition to 30+ years of management and leadership experience, Becky has served multiple community agencies in Chicago and the Bemidji area in Board, committee, and consultant and training roles. She served as the primary staff member and resource development lead at three organizations for more than 25 years. Becky has trained 700 nonprofit, tribal, county, and school staff in the past three years. She worked her way through college as an administrative assistant and receptionist.