Place or Modify a Listing

Listings in the Nonprofit SpeciaLIST are available to MCN associate and nonprofit members.

Active MCN associate members at the Supporter, Advocate, and Ally levels receive an enhanced listing as part of their membership. Active Basic-level associate members receive a basic listing at any time during their membership year, or may upgrade to a Supporter, Advocate, or Ally membership level for an enhanced listing. Learn more about Basic vs. Enhanced listings

In order to place or edit a listing, vendors will need to be logged into the MCN website with individual login information. 

Create/Modify a Listing

Basic Info

Regions & Categories


You must select at least one region. You may select more than one region.


Company Info

Membership Perk Information

This information will only be displayed on your listing if your membership is upgraded to the Supporter, Advocate, or Ally level.

Enhanced Company Description

(/260 Characters Remaining)
This information will appear on both your listing page as well as on the SpeciaLIST search listing item.
500x500px MAX
800x600px MAX. You can upload up to three images.