

Beyond Diversity 101: Micro-Inequities, Implicit Bias, and Moving toward Equity


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Join this session with Anne Phibbs to better understand identities, how we all demonstrate bias, and how we're capable of moving toward equity.

Many of us have been involved with diversity training that focuses on cultural difference and respecting all perspectives. While this is a good start, we cannot move toward true equity in our workplaces, organizations, and personal relationships until we address historical and institutional inequality. In order to address the myriad ways that certain people are marginalized based on social identities such as race, gender, disability, religion, class, sexual orientation, etc., every one of us needs to understand our own identities, how we all demonstrate bias that is often unconscious, and how we are all capable of moving toward equity.

Class Components
• Framing:  Diversity, the Changing Landscape, and Equity
• Exercise:  Understanding and Addressing Microaggressions
• Understanding Implicit Bias, with video
• Privilege, Accountability, and Allyship
• Scenarios:  How can I show up as an ally? 
• Exercise:  Next Steps – Personally and Organizationally

Event Details

This event will have AI captions via Zoom’s transcription function. Please note that these captions are automatically generated by the computer software and may not always accurately transcribe what is said. If you need professional captioning, or have another accessibility accommodation, please email MCN’s program assistant with your request at least two weeks prior to the start of the event. Although we will attempt to meet all accessibility requests, late request may not be fulfilled.

This event is done in partnership with the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits, Common Good Vermont, the Kansas Nonprofit Centre, the Kentucky Nonprofit Network, the Maine Association of Nonprofits (MANP), and the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands (NAM). Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits, Common Good Vermont, Kansas Nonprofit Centre, Kentucky Nonprofit Network, MANP, and NAM members can register at the MCN member rate with instructions provided by their respective state association. Visit the Events and Registration FAQ page or contact MCN's help desk for questions about registering.

Speaker Information

AnnePhibbsAnne Phibbs is the founder and president of Strategic Diversity Initiatives. Anne brings over 25 years’ experience helping organizations advance their equity, diversity, and inclusion goals. She is adept at assessing an organization’s strengths and challenges and tailoring her approach to its context, culture, and goals. Anne has delivered hundreds of workshops and classes for thousands of participants in corporate, government, higher education, nonprofit, healthcare, and faith community settings. Anne built a successful diversity and inclusion leadership program at the University of Minnesota, with a focus on emotional intelligence (EI), and she is an EI Practitioner certified in the EQ-i2.0 and EQ360 methods. As director of education at the University of Minnesota, she was responsible for developing and implementing their successful Certificate Program, a series of 10 workshops designed to increase capacity for diversity and inclusion work across every part of the institution. Anne earned her Ph.D. in philosophy and feminist studies from the University of Minnesota.