

Your 2021 Fundraising Event: In-person, Hybrid, or Virtual...Oh My!


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Dive into key strategies for engaging supporters before, during, and after a virtual (or hybrid) event

This session will dive into key strategies for engaging supporters before, during, and after a fundraising event. With “mission” as the overarching umbrella, we’ll discuss key tools to make your next event a success – whether virtual, hybrid, or in-person (yes, even in-person is a possibility for 2021!). You’ll learn about utilizing a campaign format, pulling together an “advocate team,” the power of chat, and crafting a thank you plan before the event (just to name a few).

We'll also share insights on the rapidly changing landscape of events for the summer and fall of 2021. An extended Q&A will close out the session. Bring your most pressing questions!

Event Details

This event will have AI captions via Zoom’s transcription function. Please note that these captions are automatically generated by the computer software and may not always accurately transcribe what is said. If you need professional captioning, or have another accessibility accommodation, please email MCN’s program assistant with your request at least two weeks prior to the start of the event. Although we will attempt to meet all accessibility requests, late request may not be fulfilled.

Speaker Information

Glen FladeboeGlen Fladeboe, principal partner and auctioneer at Fladeboe Advancement, has been the driving force in building Fladeboe Advancement into a premier benefit auction, virtual event, and donor engagement consulting company. With nearly 25 years of experience as a professional auctioneer and fundraiser, he is proud to be part of a second-generation, family-owned business. He holds a degree in communications from Hamline University and lives with his wife, two young daughters, and dog in Minneapolis. He enjoys marathon running, hunting, driving tractors, and spending time at his cabin on the south shore of Lake Superior.

Kimberly ProffittKimberly Proffitt, researcher and analyst at Fladeboe Advancement, has worked in the nonprofit sector her entire career, focusing on fundraising and philanthropy for the past 21 years. She takes special interest in helping organizations understand the stories data tells, strategizing on developing long-term relationships with donors and reframing fundraising from “asking for money” to engaging with the passions and values of donors. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband, Phil, and dog, Tobler. In her free time, you’ll find her getting her hands dirty in the garden and working her way through the perpetual stack of books next to her bed.