

Responding to Microaggressions


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Explore how microaggressions appear and discuss ways to interrupt and respond to them to advance equity and create belonging.

Microaggressions are daily verbal and nonverbal insults of slights, whether intentional or not, that target a person’s marginalized identity. Each of us has experienced microaggressions at different points in our lives. Microaggressions are one of the most common reasons that a person with marginalized identities checks out of work or leaves their place of employment. Participants will explore how microaggressions appear in the workplace and community and discuss ways to interrupt and respond to microaggressions to better equity and create belonging.

Speaker Information

RSlaby HeadshotRebecca Slaby, executive director of AMAZEworks, leads AMAZEworks in working with schools, communities, and organizations to create equity and belonging for children and adults. With a ME.d. from DePaul University, she has 15 years of experience teaching middle school humanities/social studies. She has been a racial justice facilitator for the YWCA Minneapolis and is a trained cultural competency facilitator for the Professional Educators Licensing and Standards Board for the state of Minnesota. She has presented at the Overcoming Racism, Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, Forum on Workplace Inclusion, and local, regional, and national education conferences. She holds a certificate of executive leadership from the University of St. Thomas and teaches courses on equity-based pedagogy at the University of Minnesota.