Business Directory

Designed with nonprofits in mind, the MCN Business Directory contains detailed profiles for over 100 service providers, making it the ideal first stop for any organization in search of expert products or services tailored to nonprofits. No matter your organization's size, budget, or location, the directory is the place to begin your search for the service provider that best fits your organization's unique needs.

Find Products and Services for Your Nonprofit

Whatever the product or service a nonprofit needs, there's a good chance you will find a solution on the MCN Business Directory. From accounting, legal, or insurance services to tech support, strategic planning, or communications consulting, this interactive directory allows organizations to search for vendors from over 40 product and service categories.

Create Your Business Listing

Listings on the MCN Business Directory are available to active MCN associate members. MCN nonprofit members are also eligible to have a listing when they offer products or services suitable for other nonprofits.

MCN associate members at the Supporter, Advocate, and Ally levels may place an enhanced listing for free as part of their membership at any time during their membership year. Basic-level associate members may place a basic listing at any time during their membership year, or upgrade to a Supporter, Advocate, or Ally membership level for an enhanced listing. Learn more about Basic vs. Enhanced listings.